Another this-is-how-I-make $12.456 in a month article

No, it is not

Drahomír Posteby-Mach


Money. We are chasing it. Or is it the other way around?

Side hustle gurus all over the place. All of them earning 5 or 6 digits a month. On writing. Writing on how to earn a lot of money. On Medium. And a dozen other places.

Morning routine acrobats promoting 5 hours of getting-ready musts and how-tos. I love sleeping. Just a little parantheses to make you feel better. Cold shower is nice. Warm likewise. You don’t need to push it.



Drahomír Posteby-Mach

🇸🇪 I am a brand identity manager and I help businesses get higher value and more customers. Currently in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪